Вышел Service Pack 04 для 10.2B
28 марта 2011 г. вышел Service Pack 04 на OpenEdge 10.2B.
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В 10.2B04 добавлены некоторые новые возможности, например:
Added -keeptargetlfe argument for prorest
By default, restoring a database backup that has large files enabled, enables large files on the target database, even if the target is an existing database without large files enabled.
To restore a backup without enabling large files on the target database, a new command line argument, -keeptargetlfe, is added to the PROREST syntax.
New and modified parameters for index rebuild
-TB : the sort block size. The maximum value allowed for this parameter is increased from 31 to 64 for index rebuild.
-TMB : merge block size. This is the size of the blocks used to merge sorted blocks together. This value can now be specified separately from the sort block size (-TB).
-TF : memory usage factor. This is the percentage of system memory that can be allocated for merging sort buffers when sorting index keys during the index rebuild process. In the past, there was only one sort merge buffer, and when the sort merge buffer became full, the contents were written to the file system.
-rusage: report resource statistics. When specified, index rebuild reports resource statistics including user and system CPU usage and approximate disk reads and write I/O statistics.
New Broker startup parameter for Schema Lock Wait Queue: -schlockwq
When the database broker is started with the -schlockwq switch, the schema lock scheduler forces a shared schema lock request to wait when an exclusive schema lock request is queued. Once an exclusive schema lock request is queued, it appears to all subsequent schema lock requests that an exclusive schema lock has been granted (meaning all subsequent schema lock requests will queue).
Without the -schlockwq switch, shared locks continue to be granted, even though an exclusive lock is queued.
Детальную информацию по всем новым возможностям можно найти в PROGRESS_OE_10.2B04_READMESP.txt.
Исправления, вошедшие в 10.2B SP04:
Примечание: в 10.2B04 входят все исправления из 10.2B01, 10.2B02 и 10.2B03